Monthly Timeline for Rotary Youth Exchange Events


Important events in the Youth Exchange year.

July, Start of the exchange year

New Inbound students start arriving in Arizona late in July.

August, Start of the school year

Most schools in Arizona start in Early August.

Inbound Orientation is held in Mid August after all the inbound students have arrived.

Outbound students generally start leaving in August


Most Outbound students leave by September

September is a fairly quiet month for inbound students as they adjust to their new family, school, friends, and Arizona.

Outbound Candidates should talk with their school counselor to see how an exchange can fit in with their educational plans.


Havasu Falls Hike (optional).  It is a long (11 mile or 17km) hike into the west end of Grand Canyon

Outbound Candidates should have their applications submitted by mid October.  Outbound Candidates are also encouraged to apply for RYLA.


November is a time for Inbound students to learn about the American Thanksgiving holiday.

Outbound Candidates will be interviewed in November.  Those who are accepted will be asked to complete the full application


Inbound students have a holiday party early in December.


Winter RYLA - Prescott

Outbound Candidates full applications are due.


Interact District Conference


No scheduled events


Spring RYLA - Heber

Outbound Orientation and Spring Service Project

May, End of the school year

Inbound students not going on the train trip return home.

Outbound Students apply for Student Visa for their new country


Train Trip for Inbound students starts in Mid June (and ends in Mid July).


Students who went on the train trip return home within a few days after the end of the train trip.