Area Coordinators

Information for and about Area Coordinators

Area Coordinators

The Local Coordinator is a position required by State Department regulations.  All Counselors are Local Coordinators according to the State Department.  We have defined Area Coordinators as a Rotarian who not only takes on the Local Coordinator role, but also deals with a part of our district, such as Central Phoenix, North Valley, River, etc.  Our Area Coordinators are Rotarians who live within about 100 miles of students who they are responsible for.  They tie together the Schools, Rotary Clubs, Host Families, and students in their assigned area.

Their responsibilities include:

  visiting each host family's home as part of the vetting process before the student is assigned. (report required)

  keeping in touch with each of the schools in their area to arrange placements for inbound students.

  keeping in touch with each of the Rotary Clubs in their area to arrange host clubs and Counselors.

  encouraging the clubs to get involved with the Youth Exchange Program.

  initial interviews with local students who apply to go on exchange.

Counselors and Club Youth Exchange Officers report to the Area Coordinator

As with all volunteers, Area Coordinators must have a criminal background check.

The only report that a Area Coordinator must file is the initial home visit report for a host family.  That visit must take place BEFORE the student moves to their home.  The Counselor (or another committee member, in case the Local Coordinator is the Counselor) must file the follow-up visit report within 60 days after the move.